Many rumors have circulated over the years about the much-dreaded stretch marks that can occur when you are pregnant. Some say they are hereditary and if your mother or grandmother had them, there is a good chance that you will have them, as well. Others say that if you don't nourish your skin properly while you are pregnant you will be more likely to get them. Your diet, the amount of exercise you get, the type of soap you use and hundreds of other factors might also apply.

No matter what the cause of stretch marks, however, no mother to be wants them. Not only do they not go away, but the stretching of your skin can be very painful and who would want to worry about any of that on top of all the other worries that are coming your way with the new responsibility of being a parent?

The cause of stretch marks is still unknown but there are a few things that can not only minimize the appearance of these scars but moisturize and nourish your skin for a healthier appearance. The first one as everyone knows is what their doctor has been telling them since they were small children themselves:

Make sure you drink eight glasses of water per day. Nowadays, everyone's lives have become super hectic and it is much easier for a pregnant woman to find a can of cola instead of a bottle of water, but the truth is that the can of cola that you enjoy with lunch does nothing for your body and it also does nothing for your baby besides give the little one a bad sugar high. If you want to eliminate the possibility of getting stretch marks, drink lots of water.

Water is proven by many doctors to help nourish your skin, hair, and nails. It also can help the appearance of any scar -- including stretch marks -- disappear over time. Water also not only helps your internal organs but it helps nourish and takes care of your little baby that you are carrying, and that alone is a great reason to drink more water.


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