sábado, 26 de abril de 2008

How to start a workout program

There are many books about this topic and numerous websites and magazines. Fitness is a big industry. The following is one way to do it. We do not have the space to tell you the exercises - just the general plan:

1- Start knowing your current level. How do you do this?
Listen to your body. If you have any medical condition such as high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, heart problems, etc., you need to check with your doctor first.

Having a medical condition does not necessarily mean that you cannot work out; what it means is that you may need to listen to specific signals in your body to avoid problems. Your doctor is the best person to tell you how to proceed forward.

2- The safe way. If you do not have any medical conditions or your doctor has already cleared you, you just start to workout and listen to your body. Remember that you want to avoid injury. Injuries are common reasons why people quit exercise programs. If someone gets injured, usually she or he has to stop working out for a while and after that he or she become somehow afraid of the workout and quit permanently.

For this reason it is best to workout in the beginning with a structured program. You can use the program from a book, a video or work with a personal trainer (either virtual or in person). A personal trainer, even for a few lessons, is a valuable investment. You will learn specific exercises for your body type and personal goals, you will learn the proper postures and warm-up time, and this way you will protect yourself from injuries.

Source: lindisima.com

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